• The King's School


    Education ServicesReligious Organizations

    About Us

    The King’s School, founded in 1983, is a private, NY State certified, K-12 Christian school serving over 15 communities in Warren, Washington, and Saratoga Counties.

    From its birth, The King’s School has been answering God’s call of ''Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders Today.'' Central to that call is the understanding that every child is born according to God’s will and that each child has a God-given destiny to fulfill. Boldly we strive to produce students who:

    - think deeply with a Biblical basis
    - have a thrilling awareness of their abilities and gifts
    - are growing in genuine Godly character traits
    - are developing creativity and uniqueness
    - are confident with one-on-one and group communication
    - are learning healthy Conflict Resolution (Matthew 18)
    - are R.F.A. - Ready For Anything to which God may call them


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